From the Prof. Dr. Mannsperger and the A. D. Moretti Collections
Los 25
SICILY. Himera. Circa 409-407 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24 mm, 17.37 g, 7 h), obverse die signed by Mai.... The nymph Himera driving quadriga galloping to right, holding reins in both hands; above, Nike flying left, crowning the nymph with a wreath held in her right hand and holding plaque inscribed MAI in her left; in exergue, ketos to left. Rev. [ИOIA]ꟼƎM[IH] The nymph Himera standing front, head to left, holding phiale in her right hand to pour libation over altar with square horns to left; to right, satyr standing to right in a fountain basin, showering under a stream of water emanating from a lion's head spout. Arnold-Biucci, Monetazione, Group IV, 22 (Q8/H17). Basel 306 (this coin). De Luynes 977 (same dies) = Rizzo pl. XXI, 23. Gillet 434 (same dies). Gutmann & Schwabacher 20 (same dies). HGC 2, 436. Lightly toned, lustrous and sharp, a beautiful example. The usual light die wear on the obverse and with a small scrape on the reverse edge, otherwise, virtually as struck.

From the collection of Prof. Dr. D. Mannsperger and that of A. D. Moretti, Numismatica Ars Classica 13, 8 October 1998, 306.
5000 CHF
4000 CHF
17000 CHF
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